Sunday, August 19, 2012

Condemned 2 Bloodshot was tough to get but definitely worth it !!!!

Not everyone likes these kind of games but after playing condemned 1 on pc i was mezmerised by it and wanted to play Condemned 2 Bloodshot asap,But unfortunately it was released only for xbox 360 which was a big disappointment for me as i did not own an xbox at that time and i had no way of getting a chance to play such a wonderful game,But somehow after playing this game i feel condemned 1 was a lot better,i mean condemned 2 is great and all but something is amiss in bloodshot,what is it is something even im not sure one thing i did not like about it was the fights,the dark backgrounds,infact the backgrounds were very dark which sometimes caused a  problem where i was not able to see anything around while playing,but again these small bugs were overpowered by the way you can hack systems,the gadgets you use in a crime scene are really really awesome.for those who dont know Condemned 2: Bloodshot (titled simply Condemned 2 in Australia/Europe/Asia) is a psychological horror video game, developed by Monolith Productions and published by Sega for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Condemned 2 was released on March 11, 2008, in North America, on the Xbox 360 on March 27, 2008, in Australia and later on April 4, 2008, on PlayStation 3, and April 4, 2008, in Europe for both platforms. It is the sequel to the 2005 game Condemned: Criminal Origins. A demo is currently available on the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace. Due to its violent content, the game was indexed in Germany by the BPjM in April 2008 and subsequently banned in October 2008.Greg Grunberg does not reprise his role as Ethan in Condemned 2. Instead, Ethan is voiced by André Sogliuzzo.I will be honest with you guys this game to me was very hard to get since the stock was not available almost anywhere i even gave up at a point but to my surprise this was available on ebay so i quickly booked it and got it through them.There are a lot of rumors going on about condemed 3 to be released but to be honest im not sure how true this will be as only time will tell since we dont have an official announcement from the developers yet !!!

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