Wednesday, September 5, 2012

250$ is all it takes to get your hands on WII U !!!

Yes,the latest in the rumor mill is that the WIIU will be releasing for 250$ on November 11th...apparently YouTube user H0undd0gg (via GoNintendo) captured this listing,).Now where as this is a good news for Wii lovers i just hope this does not end up just being a rumor.It would be great if the console comes out on November 11th as it is a sad fact that gamerz have very little patience waiting :P...I already own an XBOX and would consider buying this as well but for now 250$ looks quiet steep for me .Just hope that somehow i can get some kind of a discount or maybe some competition where i can win this.Lets see what the future holds and lets wait for November 11th to confirm if this is true or if this is something that someone has just made up to get a wider audience.It is also to be noted that Nintendo had previously confirmed the Wii U would be on store shelves worldwide this holiday season, but they do not have a fixed date for it as of yet.However If this turns out to be real, the Nintendo Wii will be released on November 11 in the U.S. and will be priced at  $249.Also in the listing two other price tiers appear: $299 and $349. If all goes as per the list the Europeans will still have to wait until December to get their hands on a Wii U.Guess We will just have to wait and watch  next week during a presentation in New York City from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime.

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