Thursday, August 2, 2012

Alan Wake Full Review

Alan Wake Cover artI had to work very hard to get an Xbox 360,With it i got Alan Wake and Forza Motorsport free.Let me tell you Alan Wake is one of the best games i have ever played in my life and i totally mean it.The game atmosphere surrounding,storyline are really really good,The lighting effects the voice acting are really well done,I have already placed this game twice and i dont mind playing it once again.This game ended up being so popular that there was a demand for it from the PC side as well and the game is now also available for PC.Does this make me regret getting an xbox 360 No ways!!!!..The Game would perform much better on an xbox 360 anyday im very sure of it.When you consider games like Resident Evil 4 which were very poorly ported i have lost faith in the games working well when ported to a pc version especially when they were exclusively made for an XBOX 360.Getting to the positives and the negatives of the game 

  1. It has a great intense atmosphere which makes you feel apart of the game.
  2. Solid Graphics on the game gets you going.
  3. Great voice acting by all the characters leads to a lot of fun.

This is going to be tough considering this is one of the best games i have played now let me think what was the worst thing about the game.Let me try listing these for you below
  1. I feel we had less of boss fights in the game
  2. The game ended on an incomplete note and i had to pay a bit extra through xbox live to get the addons to get the game completed. 
The other thing about this game is Light.Light plays a very important role in killing the enemies,it gives a great feeling to see the enemies turned into ash after you put a bullet through.Dodge sequence was very impressive as it was very accurate.Just writing this post makes me so tempted to play this great game and trust me if you play it you will feel the same way !!! 

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