Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tips and tricks to increase speed of the computer

Computer portrait
I am sure you will agree with me when i say computers cause a huge headache at times.I will let you know about a few tips and tricks which will help you make your computer run to full potential.This is without overclocking.Im not a huge fan of overclocking so would advise you guys not to overclock as well if you dont have good enough experience in that...just go through below and you will be amazed at how fast your computer can perform.

Tips and Tricks to increase the speed of your computer:

1.Check what unncessary startup programs/services are loading up when your starting your computer.Go to start menu->Run and type in Msconfig on this section go to the startup tab,Check out what programs you dont require to start when windows boots up,Please make sure you dont untick WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM as the windows will not boot up if you untick that.Once you have done unticking the unnecessary startup programs check out the tab called services and select a tick next to hide microsoft services in the bottom of your screen and untick the services you do not want windows to start with.Im not sure if windows xp has the tab services on it.If it does not dont worry about it.

2.These days we visit a lot of websites where we dont even know what downloads while opening a page.Sometimes we end up having spyware/adware on our machine which slows down our computer or increases the popups for no apparent reason.There are many good free antispyware applications available online.A few i would recommend which are free are super antispyware,Malware bytes or Spybot ,if you are willing to pay money and get an antispyware i would recommend you to get spyware doctor i have some pretty good experience with it.

3.Virus is one thing normally a person who has vital information on his computer is worried about.Generally what happens when you have a virus on your computer you end up getting a free antivirus and run it on your computer but what we do not realise is that some antiviruses take a lot of resources out of the computer which in turn slows down the computer.Right now for the light weight Antivirus i would suggest you to get Antivir.

4.Sometimes we use external Firewalls i would suggest you not to use an external firewall apart from the windows firewall as this will really slow down the computer,if you have some really vital information and cant live without an external firewall i would suggest you to download zonealarm or comando

5.Use a registry cleaner/system cleaner software,This really goes a long way in cleaning your computer and making sure you dont have redundant files hogging up systems memory for no reason,i would suggest you to download CCleaner and do a full system cleanup through it by clicking on run cleaner.the best thing about ccleaner is that it comes with an inbuilt registry cleaner as well so if you click on registry on the left hand side it will help you to get rid of redundant registry files.If your wondering why you should worry about registry files and how do they get created,cause problems..the answer is simple you install take for example a game and then you uninstall it after finishing it or for any reason it saves the registry information on the computer itself which is still allocated to system memory.The most brilliant software i have come across with all the features and a lot more is tuneup utilities 2012 though its paid its totally worth it it optimises your system to the peak performance.If you just do a google search you will probably find a lot more of these few softwares but for more the above two take the cake hands down !

6.Other thing to do to make sure your computer is running at full performance is download the cpu temp monitor HWmonitor,Realtemp or Core temp should suffice.The ideal temp of the cpu must range between 30-45 and at maximum should be around 70-75 in peak summers,If you see your cpu getting hot and the temp going in excees of 80 degrees would advise you to apply thermal paste on your cpu.I will be posting an update on how you can do that in my next post.

7.If you still face to see any improvement in your computers speed and its still running below par would advise you to use an application called as memtest .This checks for any errors in your RAM,Alternatively if you are using Ram as well as 1 GB you cannot expect great results as that has these days become well below par requirement for any computer.So Atleast have a minimum of 2 GB RAM on your computer.

8.I recommend you always keep all your drivers updated,Right from the motherboard chipset driver,Audio driver,Graphics driver,ethernet driver everything,If there is a problem/conflict with any of these drivers these will also slow down the computer that there will be a service running on the background always searching for them.It would be good if you can check your  device manager every time and again to check if there is any exclamation mark besides the name of an hardware.You can go to your device manager by righr clicking on my computer->properties-->advanced system settings->hardware

9.Make sure you have the latest windows updates down on your computer as they can go a long way as well to tune up properly with the hardware you are using.

10.This is the most important thing we all fail to see.We use tons and tons of softwares from the internet to make the computer faster but never bother to see whats happening inside.We end up saying this doesnt work that doesnt work where the problem ends up being due to a lot of dust accumalation inside the cpu.Would advise you guys to dust off the dust particles from the computer every say three months and that would make a difference too !!!

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