Sunday, August 5, 2012

Top ten possibilities of what mothman might actually be

During the year of 1966 at Point Pleasant in West Virginia, a young couple witnessed something unbelievable.They saw something that they clamed to be a man-bird hybrid which had glowing eyes. Since than there have been many eye witness accounts who claim to have seen this creature with the same appearance.The following are ten creatures which might have been mistaken for as mothman.

10.Barn Owl:

Barn Owl
Photo credit:AnemoneProjectors

One theory suggests a barn owl might have been mistaken for mothman as their eyes also reflect a somewhat red when there is flashlights or headlights glow upon them and they also produce the sreeching sound similar to what has been reported for the mothman.

Green Alien

Aliens maybe?Well there is a possibility that people who have witnessed the mothman might have indeed seen one of the creatures of the far universe.Little has been known about the aliens so it would not be surprising if this was the case.


Big Bird
photo credit: Feliciano GuimarĂ£es
There was a few stories learnt about the giant terrible birds called Thunderbirds that could easily carry a man. The images had striking similarity of the mothman.

07.Mutant Bird 

There was also a theory that amidst all the weird chemicals deposited within an area, a mutant kind of bird might have been born which caused it to be named as Mothman.Somewhat like the hulk Hulk.


photo credit:Louise Docker

The collapse of the Silver Bridge was something that happened when the mothman visited mount pleasent, which resulted in a number of deaths.It was said that someone named Indrid Cold seemed to be capable of telepathy and predicted a plane crash along with the exact number of people who died.


In1970 a man named Gray Barker got mothman into existance.He had also written on subjects such as paranormal matters and UFO culture and was known to exploit these matters for financial gain which might be a reason to believe it was just a hoax


Every person who saw the mothman believed it was real but none of them had proofs of it whatsoever.It might just be a case of misunderstanding.

03.Man with wings:
Man with wings

Going by Eye witness accounts Mothman might just be a seven-foot-tall man with wings and large, red, plate-like eyes fixed at the center of its torso. It would look and sound like Mothra.

02.Plane/Flying Machine


Many thought that the Mothman was again misidentified as a sort of flying machine or low-flying plane in the night (what might be confused with a UFO as well). This doesn’t account for its ability to take off upright and without the sound of a rocket engine or propeller.However explaining the bloody eyes and burning eyes the witnesses experienced is still tough as it is still a mystery.


Question MarkNot everything about the eyewitness account can be explained.The Universe is large and there are still many things which remained unexplained and a mystery.As we advance with more and more technology hopefully there will be more breakthroughs and a clearer picture than what we live in today.

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