Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mark Zuckerberg's sister will now be a google employee

Google confirmed on Tuesday that they will be purchasing Wildfire which specializes in advertising on social media websites like facebook and twitter

"It's a platform for brands to manage their pages, apps, tweets, videos, sponsorships, ads, promotions and more, all in one place", Google's product management chief Jason Miller said on Wildfire via a blog post. "We're happy to share that the Wildfire team will be joining Google."

Arielle,(Mark Zuckerberg's younger sister) works for Wildfire as a junior product manager.and will become a google employee post acquisition.

The older sis Randi Zuckerberg said through twitter, "Congrats Wildfire! There are officially now more Zuckerberg family members working for Google than Facebook!".

They'll be one awkward family reunion alright!

having an own company and working for google thats wierd isnt it??
News source:NDTV

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