Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The last of us is almost here !!!

Sony has proved that they make the best games for their consoles when compared to a variety and the last of us looks just that,i personally love these kinds of games where you have to survive but since i dont own a PS3 until i get one i would not be preordering this one.for those who are wondering.The Last of Us is an upcoming post-apocalyptic third-person survival action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation 3. It was officially revealed on December 10, 2011 during the Spike TV Video Game Awards.The game is set to release as a ps3 exclusive on March 31 2013.I would have loved to have this gae released on a pc as well but sony is playing it safe so that they dont loose out on the sales of the PS3 consoles which is good from a business perspective but is horrible from a gamerz perspective.Have a look into the trailer of the game below i found on youtube

From a story's perspective this game is going to be a brilliant one.The main characters in the game, Ellie and Joel, are played by Ashley Johnson and Troy Baker, respectively. Joel is a "ruthless" survivor with few moral lines left to cross, and Ellie is a 14-year-old girl who is wise beyond her years. However, Ellie, as opposed to Joel, was born after the fungal pandemic spread, and has no knowledge of the world prior to the incident.The Last of Us begins in a Boston quarantine zone 20 years after a fungal plague called Cordyceps unilateralis mutated to become contagious to humans and decimated modern civilization. Ellie, a 14-year-old orphan, resides in a strict boarding house, and Joel, who is a black market dealer within the quarantine zone, sells weapons and drugs. An unknown traumatic event occurs where Joel makes a promise to a dying friend that he will take care of Ellie and help her escape. As Ellie and Joel make their way out of the quarantine zone, the game begins to play throughout areas across the United States, including a now post-apocalyptic Pittsburgh and other locations being reclaimed by nature. After a nearby safe haven fails to work out, Joel and Ellie continue their venture west across a ravaged United States. Along the way, the two must learn to work together in order to survive their brutal journey, and overcome countless hostiles, ranging from infected enemies to hunters and unfriendly survivors. It is also suggested that survival will involve both killing and scavenging
Looks pretty intriguing i hope i can wear off the temptation of buying a ps3 just to play this game :)

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