Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hottest female video game characters of all time !!!

Hmmm,im sure you guys are waiting to scroll down to check out the  list haha.So,without any further delay let me present to you my top ten hottest female video game characters of all time..well until now atleast,this might change in future :)

10. Faith — Mirror's Edge

09.Chloe — Uncharted 2

08.Poison Ivy — Batman: Arkham Asylum

07.Vanille — Final Fantasy XIII  

06. Farah — Prince of Persia 

05.Leilana — Dragon Age: Origins 

04.Jill Valentine — Resident Evil 

03.Morrigan — Dragon Age: Origins

02.Lightening — Final Fantasy XIII  

01. Lara Croft — Tomb Raider 

Im  sure most of your would agree with the number 1 :).Hope you guys liked the list... If you guys think there is someone i missed please let me know in the comments section below