Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday the 13th is a myth or real?

Did you know that "You can't have any(Year)without friday the 13th and you can't have any with four, because of our funny calendar???

There are so many superstitions around the world about friday the 13th.Some people consider this as an unlucky number many have lost their jobs,a lot of income on the friday the 13th ofcourse this can be nothing more than a myth but the number of instances this has been happening in is alarming.Its funny how you get so many links when you just do a simple google search in regards to friday the 13th which shows a few people's bizzare encounters.Im not sure if what the people are trying to say is true or not but there seem to be quite a few freaky stories to read.

The fear of the number 13 is almost everywhere.For example more than 80 percent of high-rise buildings lack a 13th floor,Also many airports skip the 13th gate. Hospitals and hotels regularly have no room number 13.This is something i have not personally noticed but when i think ahout it yes where is number 13?I have not seen it at many places even in menu cards of a few hotels do not have that number at times!

The one thing i like about friday the 13th is the movie :).Remember the Jason Voorhees movie where A group of young adults discover a boarded up Camp Crystal Lake, where they soon encounter Jason Voorhees and his deadly intentions?That was one hell of a movie!

Its so funny that there are so many bizzare stories surrounding this and we have equal number of scenarios where this number has actually proved unlucky.That is of course as per the people who say so !.So what are your thoughts on this?would you do good things or start something on the 13th or you will pass?

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