Friday, September 7, 2012

Ten tips on writing a good resume !

As you all know this is the most basic thing you need before you can even be considered to enter an interview.I will share with you a few of the tips to the best of my knowledge to help you write a good resume to make it stand out from the rest.So lets get started

  1. Make sure there are no grammatical errors on your resume this can be a big negative point between you even being considered to attend an interview no matter how good you might be with your studies,previous job etc.
  2. Do not use anything like a pen to scratch over something thats not correct on a resume.Always get a new print out after making the necessary changes.
  3. Be Honest..this is a very important factor of resume writing if you end up writing things you have not done 9 out of 10 times you will not get the job.Why?The reason is simple when you go for an interview an employer will ask you in detail of what you have mentioned on your resume.So in this case if you have not done something mentioned in your resume you wont be able to answer those questions and will end up fumbling and this creates a negative impact.
  4. Dont have thousands of marks/folds on a resume before you submit it..Make sure its as straight as it can be instead of it being in two or three folds.No one likes a paper half torn/folded.Take an example of a bank they do not accept a cheque which is damaged or folded too much.
  5. This step is quiet important,if your not good with using microsoft word...There are many templates that are available for resume writing...Just search for them and create your resume.Where a simple resume is good a one with a creative template  would win more stars in front of the employer for you.

  6. Where as your friend's or anyone you know might have a very good resume its a big "NO" for you to end up copying everything from his/her resume!

  7. Use no negative/maybe terms on your resume...Try to create positivity through your resume by writing interesting things.This is not limited to only your studies,things you have done etc..Even when you write a hobby you can write something unique that you do that will catch the eye of the employer.

  8. When writing a resume make sure you have a standard font type,size of everything you are writing about,Dont end up writing a part of it as a bold italic and the other one totally different.Whereas this might be good someplace else but is considered quiet unprofessional in an industry..Its always recommended to write a resume  in a default black font and a white background.This might look to you as if its contradicting point 5 just to let you know point 5 is for template and this is for fonts!
  9. When you have more than one page of a resume make sure they are pin together/stapled.Even if the employer does not have a  problem with this.It will end up affecting you if they lost a page of your resume

  10. What im going to say now might end up being a debate,But i would always advise that you write your own resume rather than anyone else writing one for you.Whereas this does not cause a huge problem but atleast you will know everything about it!

    I know these are quiet a few simple steps but go a long way between you and your job..Hope it helps!

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